Porcelain Vs Composite Veneers: Which Are Right For You?

There are currently two types of dental veneers that patients can choose from in order to achieve a picture perfect smile. These two options are porcelain veneers and composite veneers. While both of these options offer impressive results, they also offer a unique set of pros and cons which will ultimately determine which option is best suited to the needs of each patient. Taking the time to review these pros and cons outlined below can help you to make a truly informed decision regarding which type of veneers is right for you.

Porcelain Veneers

The Pros

  • Long Lasting - Research shows that you can expect your porcelain veneers to last 10 years or longer
  • Resistant To Stains - Porcelain veneers are highly resistant to stains from food, beverages, tobacco, and many other sources. This means that you will not need to worry about encountering the same discoloration problems you encountered with your natural teeth.
  • Translucent - These ultra thin veneers offer a translucence that allows them to perfectly match the color of real teeth. For many patients, this will mean a far more natural looking smile.

The Cons

  • Multiple Visits - Porcelain veneers must be fabricated in a lab from a mold of your natural teeth. This process can take weeks to complete and will require you to return to the dentist at least twice in order to complete the process of getting your dental veneers.
  • Hard To Repair - If your porcelain veneers become chipped or otherwise damaged, the entire veneer will need to be extracted and replaced. This process can be both time consuming and expensive.

Composite Veneers

The Pros

  • Affordable - Composite veneers are routinely far less expensive than porcelain veneers. This is because not only do the raw materials cost less when fabricating composite veneers, but these veneers also allow for the elimination of any lab costs.
  • Easy Chip Repairs - Most damage to composite veneers can be easily repaired by you cosmetic dentist without the need to remove the veneers. This repair process will be similar to having a cavity filled.
  • Single Day Application - Rater than being fabricated in a lab, composite veneers are fabricated on the spot by your cosmetic dentist. Consequently, these veneers can be applied in a single visit.

The Cons

  • Shorter Lifespan - Composite veneers will typically last between 4-8 years. This lifespan is significantly shorter than that of porcelain veneers.
  • Color Matching - Rather than taking their color from the natural tooth, composite veneers will get their color from a man-made resin. Consequently, while these veneers can closely mimic the color of real teeth, they will not be able to achieve an exact color match.

The Bottom Line

Your current budget, time constraints, and personal preference will all play a major role in determining which type of veneers are right for you. To further discuss these important factors and how they can impact your choice in veneers, be sure to contact Carolina Forest Family Dentistry
