How Parents Can Fight Genetic Predisposition For Cavities In Their Children

Parents who grew up suffering from cavities may be passing on a predisposition to their children. Those who had to live through fillings and removed teeth probably want to help their children avoid this problem. Thankfully, it is possible to combat a genetic predisposition for cavities.

How Genetics Influence Cavities

There are several different ways that genetics influence dental decay. For example, a parent may pass on a certain predisposition for excessive mouth saliva. This saliva can lead to extra bacteria in the mouth that attack the health of the teeth. However, they can also pass on weaker or less resistant immune systems that can't fight infections.

As a result, children who have parents with a history of dental problems may end up with their own. For some, this may seem like an inevitable problem that has no easy solution. Thankfully, that doesn't have to be the case for every child.

That Doesn't Mean It Has To Be Inevitable

While it might seem impossible to fight genetics, that doesn't have to be the case. Many dentists will tell you that proper dental care is more important than a genetic predisposition. They also claim that parents must teach their children proper dental care procedures to keep their teeth healthy and protected from decay.

While a child with a predisposition is likely to suffer from at least one or two cavities in their life, it is also possible to minimize this danger. Parents must understand the following procedures to ensure that their children not only protect their teeth but learn healthy procedures to pass on to their children.

Combating Bad Genetics When Managing Cavities

While a genetic predisposition for cavities can be hard to combat in a child, it isn't impossible. A skilled and clever parent can combat it by teaching their child appropriate cavity-prevention methods. They can also work with them to teach them lifelong habits that will help them have healthy teeth that are as free from cavities as possible.

For example, it is possible to use fluoride on the teeth to prevent tooth decay. Some people will use this item in their toothpaste or even use it in mouthwash. Teaching a child how to avoid sweets can also help them address this problem. Monitoring their intake can provide them with a healthier and more active diet. It is also essential to teach them to keep items such as paper and plastic out of their mouth.

By following these simple steps, a parent can help provide their child with the help they need to avoid regular cavities. Talking to a dentist about these methods can make them easier to understand and simpler to implement in your home.

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