Should You Get Cement- Or Screw-Retained Dental Implants?

If you are missing teeth and have health gums and jawbone, then you may have decided to get dental implants. These implants are a great choice since they are more permanent in nature than dentures. The implants can also stand in for your teeth's original tooth roots, meaning that they will help keep your jawbone strong.

However, there are two types of dental implants that you can consider: cement-retained implants or screw-retained implants. If you aren't sure which one to go for, here are some pros and cons of both.

Cost Considerations

Cement-retained implants are much more affordable because they are easier for dental labs to construct. Screw-retained implants require technicians to produce more components, such as fixation screws, in order to install the implants.

However, while initial costs are less for cement-retained implants, you should consider future costs as well. If you've had wear-and-tear issues with dental prostheses in the past or if you have bruxism (teeth grinding), it may be better to go with screw-retained implants since repair costs are less. These implants can be repaired much easier than cemented ones, and your dentist can easily retighten the screws if the implant is loose.  

Aesthetic Considerations

Both kinds of implants look like real teeth, but cemented-retained implants have a slight edge over screw-retained ones. With screwed-in implants, there is an access hole that may be covered with a tooth-colored filling; however, it may not match the rest of the crown as well. Cemented implants do not have an access hole, so the crown is more uniform in color. If you are getting implants for your front teeth, then cement-retained implants may look better. However, screw-retained implants should be just fine for posterior teeth.

Infection and Failure Rate Considerations

Both types of implants have low failure rates if you follow your dentist's orders. However, one downside of cement-retained implants is that any excess cement can increase the risk of peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis causes inflammation around the implant site. Peri-implantitis can also be a breeding ground for bacteria that are similar to those found in patients with periodontal disease.

Again, if you've had trouble with dental prostheses in the past or are susceptible to oral infections, then screw-retained implants may be better. They are easier to remove and repair if there is an infection that requires intervention after the implants are in.

As you can see, there are pros and cons for both types of implants. But you should talk with your dentist to see which type would be best for your case. With both choices you'll be able to benefit from a real-looking prosthetic that can restore function for talking and eating. For more information, contact a company like Aaron G Birch, DDS PC.
