It’s Never Too Late To Fix That Crooked Smile!

If your dental needs were neglected as a child, resulting in teeth that are slightly crooked, being self-aware of the imperfections can hinder your ability to strike up a conversation or smile genuinely at those around you. You are not stuck in this predicament. Although it may not be as common for adults to have braces as it is for younger individuals, you can still choose braces or invisible aligners to straighten your teeth.

Make An Appointment With A Specialist

The first thing you need to do is consult with an orthodontist. During your visit, you can expect to receive a basic oral exam. This may include taking x-rays of your mouth so that the orthodontist can view your jawbone and the root system to each tooth.

The orthodontist will discuss braces and invisible aligners as treatment options. Since you are no longer growing, you may need to wear braces or aligners for longer than a younger person would, but you will still receive permanent results that will improve your overall appearance. 

Weigh Your Options

After learning how each procedure is performed, including the pros and cons associated with each one, you need to mull over your options for a while so you choose the one that is right for you. With standard braces, you will need to worry about your appearance being slightly altered, but you will not need to do anything other than take care of your teeth and the brace components.

With invisible aligners, you will have the option of removing the aligners, which could come in handy when you want to eat some of your favorite foods or if your gums are sore. You will, however, need to clean the aligners on a frequent basis, store them in a holder, and wear them for long durations so that your teeth are straightened within the projected time frame that you were given.

Get Used To The New Addition

After making up your mind about which procedure will work best for you, make an appointment with the orthodontist. If you have sick leave or a paid vacation from work that you can take, use the time so that you can grow accustomed to the braces or aligners while you are resting at home.

You may need to take a pain reliever or apply a warm compress to your face if discomfort and swelling are bothering you. After you have gotten used to the braces or aligners, make routine appointments with your orthodontist so that they can monitor the progress associated with the straightening of your teeth.

If you've been thinking about getting braces to perfect your smile, contact an orthodontist in your area for more info.
