Three Reasons to Have Your Dentist Remove Old Mercury Fillings

If you had cavities many years ago that your dentist filled with amalgam fillings, you might want to discuss these fillings with your current dentist. Today, lots of dentists avoid amalgam fillings, which are known to contain a percentage of mercury. Present-day fillings are commonly made of a composite resin in white or off-white. It's possible to have your dentist remove your old mercury fillings and replace them with fillings made from the composite resin. Here are three reasons that you might wish to make this change.

There's Less of a Health Risk

Mercury possesses some degree of toxicity, and you may be may concerned about it being in your mouth. It's possible for your amalgam fillings to break down to a slight degree over time, which can release the mercury into your mouth and, by extension, into your body as a whole. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Technology warns that mercury from fillings can potentially lead to a number of different health issues, including cardiovascular issues, kidney disease, and Alzheimer's disease. By having your dentist remove these health-threatening fillings and replace them with a healthier alternative, you'll have increased peace of mind about your health.

You May Like the Look More

People who have lots of amalgam fillings can sometimes feel self-conscious about the look of these teeth. While amalgam fillings aren't usually visible when the person is smiling, they can be easy to see when the person has his or her mouth open—for example, while laughing. If you've occasionally felt as though other people have noticed your fillings, and this bothers you, you may wish to discuss removing them with your dentist. Composite resin fillings aren't easily noticeable and, thus, won't attract attention when your mouth is open.

They May Irritate Your Tongue

While amalgam fillings can be smooth, this isn't always the case. If the filling wasn't put in with a significant amount of care, it could have a slightly rough surface that bothers you. Perhaps you can feel it with your tongue, and rubbing it leaves your tongue a little sore. This is a perfect reason to consult your dentist about removing any such fillings and replacing them with composite resin fillings. The latter material is highly smooth, resulting in no irritation to your tongue.

You can discuss this procedure at your next dental check-up or—if you're anxious to get it done—contact a dentist, such as Steven Abrams DMD, to get it done as soon as possible.    
