4 Factors That Influence The Success Of Your Dental Implants

The success rate of dental implant procedures is about 98%. Nonetheless, dental implant procedure outcomes and long-term success vary among patients. Your dental history and post-treatment hygiene care, among other factors discussed below, determine your dental implant journey's success.

1. Bone Mass 

You must have a specific density of bone to allow dental implants to osseointegrate. If you lose a tooth or teeth, your jaw bones deteriorate with time. As a rule of thumb, the longer you have missing teeth, the less mass your jawbone will have.

You can still have a successful dental implant procedure even if you have a low bone mass. Nonetheless, you may need extra procedures like a bone graft to add bone material and encourage new bone growth. Alternatively, your dentist could recommend zygomatic instead of jaw-placed implants.

2. Oral Hygiene

Just because dental implants are artificial doesn't mean you don't need to take utmost care. The oral hygiene for dental implants is like your natural teeth. You should brush after meals, floss daily, and use mouthwash.

The appropriate oral hygiene manages the bacteria and plaque in your mouth. As a result, the chances of infection reduce, and you get a higher probability of implant success. But, poor oral hygiene predisposes your implant to diseases that can cause failure.

3. Dietary Adherence

You will need to stick to a temporary soft diet sometime after the dental implant surgery. Also, chew on the side opposite your implant. Soft foods prevent too much force before your implant heals. Examples of meals to consider the first few days after the procedure include soup and smoothies.

On the flip side, hard and crunchy foods, e.g., chewy steaks and popcorn, exert too much pressure. Excessive force can cause your dental implant to shift position. Finally, a well-balanced and nutritious diet benefits your physical wellness and helps you heal faster.

4. Health Condition

Even though dental implants are found in your mouth, long-term success is affected by your general health state. Health-related issues that impact your implant procedure outcome are medications, medical history, and the immune system. Tobacco usage, too, compromises the chances of successful implants.

Some medications, such as SSRIs antidepressants, interfere with your body's ability to integrate implants in your jaw bone. Also, if your immune system is compromised, you could be at a higher risk of infection.


Dental implants provide you immense confidence to restore your appearance and dental function. Nonetheless, long-term care after the procedure ensures a successful journey. Yet, for factors beyond your control, e.g., a compromised immune system, your dentist can help you find the ideal management options.
