Surefire Signs You Need Gum Disease Treatment

Although gum disease is a prevalent oral health care issue, it's surprisingly sneaky. You can easily overlook the problem until it worsens. Besides, most people primarily focus on their tooth health rather than the gum. Since the infection is painless, the issue goes unnoticed.

The only way to determine if this secret agent has infiltrated your mouth is to know the top signs to look out for. This way, you will seek gum disease treatment on time before the infection causes severe consequences like tooth loss. Here are clear signs you have gum disease.

The Gums Are Bleeding

One key sign of gum disease is bleeding gums, a problem that's often noticed when one bites on a snack or brushes their teeth. Patients sometimes notice a copper-like taste in their mouths caused by bleeding gums. 

Sometimes this bleeding issue can indicate that you are flossing or brushing too hard, but it may also be a sign of gingivitis (an early gum disease stage). Gingivitis causes the gums to be more sensitive and inflamed; hence, the bleeding. So, if this issue persists, don't hesitate to seek treatment.

You Have Noticed Sores Between the Teeth

When gum disease starts to progress, it causes the formation of swellings between teeth. The sores are often swollen with pus. Since the abscesses can burst at any time, the patient feels pain. In severe cases, one can experience fever. The only way to fix this is to get antibiotic treatment. Without this, the swellings will damage the teeth and gums over time.

The Gums Are Receding

When you have gum disease, the gums may start to recede. This means that the gum tissue will pull away and start exposing parts of the teeth that were initially covered. If you notice that you can see a larger part of your tooth or root, you should get proper treatment immediately. 

Gum recession makes the teeth look too large and may develop sensitivity to extremely hot or cold beverages or foods. This will also make it easier for bacteria and other contaminants to build up and damage the gum tissue and the jawbone, which holds the teeth in place.

The Teeth Are Wobbly

Having loose teeth isn't a good sign unless one still has baby teeth. But if you are an adult and your teeth are loose, you may have gum disease. As the condition advances, it causes teeth to become loose and can eventually fall out in case you don't visit a dentist.

Contact a dental services provider near you to learn more.
