Understanding When Tooth Extraction Becomes Necessary

Tooth extraction is a procedure that involves taking out a tooth from its position in the jawbone socket. This process is usually the last resort when other dental procedures like fillings, crowns, and root canals cannot save the damaged or infected tooth. Tooth extraction can also be necessary for orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth removal, or to make space for a dental implant. This piece will discuss when tooth extraction becomes necessary.

Extensive Tooth Decay and Damage: When a tooth is severely damaged or decayed beyond repair, tooth extraction becomes the only option. Once tooth decay penetrates the inner pulp of the tooth, simply filling it will no longer suffice to address the infection, necessitating extraction. Additionally, a tooth that has been severely chipped, broken, or fractured may not be repairable, and extraction becomes necessary.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: When wisdom teeth don't have enough space to emerge properly, they become impacted, which means they grow in an awkward position. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause infections, pain, swelling, cysts, and even gum disease. In cases like these, your dentist may recommend extracting these teeth to prevent further complications.

Crowding and Orthodontic Treatments: Sometimes, teeth can grow crooked and overcrowded. In such cases, tooth extraction may become necessary to create enough space in your mouth to enable better alignment of the teeth. During orthodontic treatment, your dentist/orthodontist may recommend removing one or more teeth to allow other teeth to move into place.

Gum Disease: Gum disease, scientifically referred to as periodontal disease, occurs due to a bacterial infection affecting the gums. As gum disease advances, it can deteriorate the bone supporting your teeth and gum tissue. When teeth become too loose due to gum disease, tooth extraction becomes necessary to prevent the spread of the infection.

Dental Implant Placement: Dental implants are utilized as a substitute for the root of missing teeth. In some cases, they may require sufficient space for placement in your jawbone. Orthodontists may also recommend creating space in your mouth by removing a tooth before providing a dental implant for convenience.

Tooth extraction is a necessary dental procedure in some situations to preserve good oral health. Your dentist will thoroughly evaluate your dental health to determine whether or not tooth extraction is necessary and the best course of action for your specific case. It's essential to follow aftercare instructions provided by your dentist post-tooth extraction, which include avoiding smoking, brushing carefully for the first few days, not using straws, and avoiding hard and chewy food. Don't forget to book regular dental checkups to maintain a healthy and infection-free mouth.

Contact a local dental office to learn more about tooth extractions.
