Going to the dentist is a chore nobody wants to do, and a visit to the dentist can be made exponentially worse when you find out you need a dental crown. Hearing you need an extra dental procedure probably makes you weary; a regular check-up is stressful enough. If your dentist recently told you that you needed a crown, you might be wondering whether it's worth getting and how it will benefit you.
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When the weather warms up, you know that it is time to start planning a picnic. It is easy to include pies, chips, and barbequed offerings at a picnic, but you also want to offer some dishes that are good for your oral health. On top of brushing and flossing, you can take control of your oral health by incorporating mouth healthy foods into your everyday diet. You may be surprised that it is easy and cheap to create dishes for your picnic that are good for your teeth.
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Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves taking some tooth- colored material and then molding it around already existing teeth. The material is allowed to set and bond with the teeth. It's most commonly used for filling in gaps between teeth, repairing chipped teeth, and covering teeth in a facade that will make them look whiter and more attractive. There are both advantages and disadvantages that are associated with dental bonding.
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As the parent of a toddler who is just learning good oral hygiene habits, you may feel exasperated at times. After all, very young children may not be thrilled about teeth brushing, and this may lead to some resistance or even outright refusal from them. However, instilling these habits in your children early will help them develop good habits for a lifetime. Instead of trying the forceful approach, you may want to make toddler teeth brushing time fun instead.
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You may be unhappy with your smile for any number of reasons. You might have crooked or damaged teeth that take away from the aesthetic of your smile. You may want to explore cosmetic dentistry for both boosted confidence and improved dental health. Your dentist is able to guide you through all of your options while taking what is best for your oral health into consideration. One great option for cosmetic dentistry is getting dental implants.
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